For my improv blog, I feel I have to post about what entertains me the most; things I found only in Japan. From Purikura to whale-4-sale, you wont find some things elsewhere in the world. Also worth mention and supported by photo is an example of the infamous "engrish t-shirts" that many folks notice in Japan. (these are shirts that somehow are printed and sold at real stores, yet make no logical sense when reading...... I provided a copy of my favorite example) - The purikura photo was not shot by me and involves me.... However, I give full credit to the machine that carefully shot the photo at Sega World-Game Center in Hirakata, Osaka, Japan. --- Notice the wonderful background of checkers,... this is something that many Americans would pick on, but I must say I dont care. I am totally addicted to it. I am a purikura warrior. In fact, I have my phone covered to the point where my phone's battery is the next target for a purikura sticker!! Which reminds me,.. I recently heard that some girls here like to hide a 'secret purikura' inside their phone, by the battery,... perhaps a photo of them with a boyfriend or such..... I tested this theory out on a girl I hardly know..... while looking at her 'public display' purikura on her phone,.. i asked her if she had 'secret' purikura,.... and simaltaneously jogged off with her phone while she yelled at me, so i could check inside... sure enough, there was "secret purikura" of what I can only guess is her and a boyfriend of the past or present. .... No one was hurt in this study..... ---
